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Town Businesses

Name of busiNESSActivitiescontacts
AVBOBFuneral services and insurance sales065 252114
CHICCO BUILDING SUPPLYSale of construction materials0811280192
EHAFO WHOLESALEBulk sale of beverages and other consumables065266652
ELAGO LYANDJE TRADINGBricks manufacturing and construction0811292707
FNB OKAHAOBanking services065 252044
FYSAL FRESH PRODUCESale of fresh fruits and other groceries065 252166
KAMBWA TRADINGBuilding material supply and construction065 252266
KING UUSHONA B&BBed & Breakfast, conference facilities060 8068950
KUNENE GENERAL MARINESale of fresh fish0811289460
NIINGO STEEL & CARPENTRYWood and steel products manufacturing0811491177
OKAHAO BRICKS AND BLOCKSConstruction bricks & blocks manufacturing0811274001
OKAHAO TECHNOLOGIESComputer solutions, website designs, networking0812278572
OKAHAO MEDICAL CLINICMedical care services with a full-time doctor065 252188
OLD MUTUALInsurance and financial planning services065 252116
ONGOZI LODGELodging & conference facilities060 8067473
PEP STOREClothing & household goods sales065 252046
S H Motor SparesSales of motor vehicles’ spare parts065 252139
STANDARD BANK OKAHAOBanking services065 252148
TULONGENI TUYENI TRADING CCBuilding construction and renovations081 6559955 / 081 2221110