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Sewage (or domestic wastewater or municipal wastewater) is a type of wastewater that is produced by a community of people.

It is characterized by volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemicals and toxic constituents, and its bacteriologic status (which organisms it contain and in what quantities). It consists of mostly greywater (from sinks, tubs, showers, dishwashers, and clothes washers), blackwater (the water that is used to flush toilets, combined with the human waste that it flushes away); soap and detergents; and toilet paper.

Illegal Connection of Service

  • First Offence: N$ 10,000
  • Second Offence: Legal action

Discharge of Effluent

  • Discharge of sewer effluent into oxidation ponds per load: N$ 90

Discharge of Sewage in Public

This is a serious offence. Once caught, it carries a fine of N$ 10,000 for first-time offenders and legal action for the second offence.

Sewage water poses a high risk to the public as it contains numerous viruses and bacteria that have the potential to cause diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and other diseases.